Glenbrook vintage railway. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway was founded in 1970 to preserve, rebuild, and operate the old Waiuku Branch Railway between Glenbrook and Waiuku. Glenbrook vintage railway

 The Glenbrook Vintage Railway was founded in 1970 to preserve, rebuild, and operate the old Waiuku Branch Railway between Glenbrook and WaiukuGlenbrook vintage railway  Train Arrives Glenbrook

C 472. Facebook Instagram TripadvisorSeating is strictly limited onboard our First Class Carriage and booking online is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment as this experience often sells out. 11:05am. GVR, in conjunction with Steam Inc, will be running trips with for locals using Ja1271 and a combination of. Glenbrook organise a number of Vintage Train and Carriage excursions over the course of a year. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway Charitable Trust Board is a Registered Charity (CC10348) that operates heritage trains on the Glenbrook Vintage Railway, Auckland and around New Zealand. Steam train rides, a 15 kilometres return journey back in time through the rural Franklin countryside, aboard our loving restored vintage steam train. Our large collection of vintage New Zealand Railways locomotives and carriages operate over 400 return journeys a year over a 7. Glenbrook Vintage Railway, Waiuku. Come out and experience Tāmaki Makaurau's best kept secret! View our website for events and open daysJan 2022. . Limited seats on the day may be available for walk-ups, please enquire with the Glenbrook Station Ticket Office - call 09 236 3546 on the day. We operate every weekend and most public holidays from Labour weekend to Queen's birthday weekend. Built 1879 by Oldbury Car Company, England. Hand and jigger rides are available to experience another form of rail transport. Catch a Pukekohe shuttle train from Papakura Train Station to Pukekohe Train Station, and catch the 396 Bus from there to Waiuku. Book now Visit website. Otherwise as. You are free to choose your seats onboard our immaculately restored red carriages, and prior booking is only required during Traffic Light Red. Glenbrook Station Road, Waiuku, New Zealand . Book now Visit website. Clerestory roof wooden dining carriage A 543. Over the years, this bunch of passionate volunteers fundraised. 5km part of the historic Waiuku Branch Line. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway offers a window back to the past when steam engines ruled, and life had a slower pace. Glenbrook organise a number of Vintage Train and Carriage excursions over the course of a year. A steam railway built by mostly volunteer labour, the Glenbrook Vintage Railway is an ongoing project staffed by members of the Railway Enthusiasts Society. Book now Visit website. 3:35pm. In Service - Glenbrook Vintage Railway. 1977. If you're handy with a lathe, welding machine, or even just a paint brush - come join our Mechanical Workshop team who maintain and restore our locomotives, carriages, and wagons. Yesterday (Saturday the 29th of January 2022) They hald a Vintage Carriages excursion behind a Diesel. Glenbrook Station and General Enquiries: (09) 236 3546 Mechanical Workshop: (09) 235 8595. Glenbrook Vintage Railway. We encourage you to visit Waiuku Town during or after your train ride, please see the Waiuku Town website for information on other attractions, activities, and amenities in the area. Steam train rides, a 15 kilometres return journey back in time through the rural Franklin countryside, aboard our loving restored vintage steam train. During this time we will be conducting winter maintenance on our Steam Engines, Carriages, Track, and Buildings. 5km of track between Glenbrook and Pukeoware. Train Arrives Glenbrook. Trains depart from Glenbrook. Check our website for operating days scheduled between late October to early June. Please check our operating calendar. When visiting our Railway, allow plenty of time to enjoy the old-time. Your return journey takes 65 minutes. 1:40pm - 1:55pm. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway (GVR) operates over 7. Yesterday (Saturday the 29th of January. Online bookings close 5pm the day prior. Jump on board with the Glenbrook Vintage Railway on some of the first public trips behind steam locomotive Ww 644! After a sell-out series of trips in October 2022 - steam once again returns to the Waikato! We are also offering a popular diesel hauled day trip along the Main Trunk Line to Ohakune and return. Glenbrook Station Road, Waiuku, New Zealand . The Glenbrook Vintage Railway is officially opened for the 4. Packages include the return train journey aboard GVR's heritage train, your accommodation, and a variety of activities and guided. Glenbrook Vintage Railway is celebrating 100 years of the Waiuku branch line and Steam Inc is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. Glenbrook Vintage Railway will again be lighting up Franklin with festive cheer this year with its award winning Christmas experience at Glenbrook Station. Wooden Paneled Carriage, First and Second Class. Glenbrook Vintage Railway. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway relies on our diverse and committed team of volunteers to operate, restore, and maintain our railway. We will re-open on Labour Weekend (21, 22, and 23 October 2023). Steam train rides, a 15 kilometres return journey back in time through the rural Franklin countryside, aboard our loving restored vintage steam train. 2:05pm. Glenbrook Vintage Railway. Our steam train departs our Glenbrook terminus at 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:00pm and 2:30pm on selected dates. 3:10pm - 3:25pm. Over the years, our. 12:35pm. Waikato School Holiday Steam Trains. Glenbrook Vintage Railway is an operational steam hauled railway that gives the visitor a 15 kilometre round trip through rural South Auckland. Check our website for operating days scheduled between late October to early June. Book now Visit website. 25,589 likes · 757 talking about this · 1,487 were here. Family Covers a "family" with one member of the household being the nominated "Full Member" for voting rights. Our 2022/23 operating season for the Steam Train and First Class Experiences finished on King's Birthday Weekend. Glenbrook Vintage Railway. Glenbrook organise a number of Vintage Train and Carriage excursions over the course of a year. Creation of the Glenbrook Station heritage precinct begins. Yesterday (Saturday the 29th of January 2022) They hald a Vintage Carriages excursion behind a Diesel. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway Charitable Trust Board was established by members of the Railway Enthusiasts Society (many of which were working for New Zealand Railways at the time) to preserve, rebuild, and operate the old Waiuku Branch Railway between Glenbrook and Waiuku. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway was founded in 1970 to preserve, rebuild, and operate the old Waiuku Branch Railway between Glenbrook and Waiuku. Glenbrook Station Road, Waiuku, New Zealand . Your journey will start at the Glenbrook Station. 50% discount on train fares on the Glenbrook Vintage Railway (personal to member). The Counties Energy Christmas Lights - Trains at Night event is back for 2022 and will see the charitable organisation's trains, station and buildings dressed in Christmas lights, a. Yesterday (Saturday the 29th of January 2022) They hald a Vintage Carriages excursion behind a Diesel Loco, on the Mian Trunk Line to Hamilton from Waiuku and Pukekohe. Glenbrook organise a number of Vintage Train and Carriage excursions over the course of a year. GVR restored steam locomotive J A 1250 (along with K A 945) haul the first steam train on the national network since steam trains were banned by NZR. Visit Ruapehu have partnered with the Glenbrook Vintage Railway to bring you these hand crafted packages based in Taumarunui, National Park and Ohakune so that you can experience the best of the Ruapehu region. With open end balcony. Glenbrook Station Road, Waiuku, New Zealand . Jan 2022. Public Transport. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway Charitable Trust Board is a Registered Charity (CC10348) that operates heritage trains on the Glenbrook Vintage Railway, Auckland and around New Zealand. 1986. So GVR and Steam Inc have joined forces, which will see Ja1271 coming up from Wellington for a select period. Glenbrook Vintage Railway. Facebook Instagram TripadvisorFollow Glenbrook Station Rd, to the Glenbrook Vintage Railway. The Glenbrook Vintage Railway Charitable Trust Board is a Registered Charity (CC10348) that operates heritage trains on the Glenbrook Vintage Railway, Auckland and around New Zealand. Other carriages for future use on the GVR line include: Wooden Platform cars A 1352 and A 1355. A full history of the Glenbrook Vintage Railway and our collections of Locomotives and Carriages are provided in our Guidebook which can be purchased from. Check our website for operating days scheduled between late October to early June. 1985. Steam train rides, a 15 kilometres return journey back in time through the rural Franklin countryside, aboard our loving restored vintage steam train. The Railway provides a nostalgic trip back to the past when steam locomotives hauled passenger trains. 100 Year plus (old Carriages), complimentary refreshments on board, 3. Alight at the Cosmopolitan Club in Victoria Avenue and pass through their car park to the GVR's Victoria Avenue Station. We take a return trip in wood-panelled carriages from Glenbrook Station, nearby Auckland. Check our website for operating days scheduled between late October to early June. 5 kms of track from Glenbrook to Victoria Avenue in Waiuku with a further 500m extension onto Tamakae Reserve in Waiuku in the pipeline. Online Bookings will be available.